The comparative religious analysis of the phenomenon of asceticism in monotheistic religions


  • Gulnora Khudayberganova INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC ACADEMY ОF UZBEKISTAN, teacher of the department UNESCO Chair in the Comparative Study of World Religions. [email protected], 11, A.Кadiri, Tashkent, 100011, Uzbekistan


asceticism, monotheistic religions, judaism, buddhism, christianity, islam, zuhd, sufism.


This article analyses the study of monotheistic religious teachings based on the interpretation of views related to asceticism and their comparative analysis of issues such as the human psyche and its impact on society.


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How to Cite

Gulnora Khudayberganova. (2022). The comparative religious analysis of the phenomenon of asceticism in monotheistic religions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 11, 93–95. Retrieved from