
  • Safarova Khurshida Salimovna Associate Professor, Ph.D of Interfaculty Foreign Languages department Bukhara State University


Spelling, educational system, vocabulary, phraseological expressions, borrowed words, new words.


It is a fact that the most honorable, the greatest, the most immortal scientific and creative works of our people in the world history are actually written in this writing: Spelling is the fate of the nation, the language of historical heritage and the foundation of the future! If we make another mistake, our great ancestors will not forgive us. It is necessary that we spend the life of the society, the nation, and the educational system on tests and not retreat from the original goal.


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How to Cite

Safarova Khurshida Salimovna. (2024). DIFFERENCES IN SPELLING BETWEEN ENGLISH AND FRENCH LEXICAL-SEMANTIC CONNECTION AND DIFFERENTIATION. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 13(03), 15–19. Retrieved from https://www.gejournal.net/index.php/IJSSIR/article/view/2336