Comparative analysis of works on mineralogy of Central Asia


  • Turaeva S. R. University of Public Safety Republic of Uzbekistan professor of Social and humanitarian sciences department, Ph.D


minerals, mineralogist, important source of minerals, mines, turquoise, iron, silver and gold mines, copper, ruby, emerald, metals, sulphur, mercury.


This article is highlighted a comparative analysis of important manuscripts that provides valuable information on mineralogy and geology of Central Asia from the 11th to 19th centuries, as well as it supports about the types of minerals in them, their quality levels, varieties, historical locations of mines, size, differentiation of minerals, their value, about the healing aspects and harmful aspects for human. Sources discuss the process of formation of minerals and certain ores of world-famous quality, mining methods of this ore, ways of processing metals and stones, and valuable varieties.


Decree No. PF-60 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022. "Development strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026". // www.

Jawahiri al-sanoye (Pearl of Crafts). Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni No. 3377 / I Manuscript number. - 96 sheets.

Abulfazl bin Mubarak Alami. Oyini Akbariy.// Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 1721 Manuscript number – 322 sheets.

Omonullo "Mir'at ul Jawahir" (Mirror of Jewels. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni in. No. 8839 –45b-46a sheets.

Jawahiri al-sanoye (Pearl of Crafts). Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni No. 3377 / I Manuscript number. - 96 sheets.

Ibn Mubarak Muhammad al-Qazvini. Jewelry. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 3053, 1 a- 146 p. Sheets

Ibn Mubarak Muhammad al-Qazvini. Jewelry. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Berun . No. 3053,5a-6 a. sheets.

Ibn Mubarak Muhammad al-Qazvini. Jewelry. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Berun . No. 3053, 7 а sheets.

Aminuddin Khan bin Sayyid Abdul Makarim Amir Khan al-Husaini al-Hirawi. About knowing the value of a jewel. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Berun. No. 5050/ manuscript number III. -138 a-142a sheets.

Sultan Muhammad Balkhi. Majmua' al-gharayib. (Complex of curiosities) // Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Berun. No. 9227/I 1a.- 139a sheet. There are several other copies of the work. inv. No. 8578, No. 5599, No. 29/2. Inv. for research. Copy No. 9227/I was used.

Al-Beruni, Abu-r-Raihan Mohammed ibn Ahmed. Collection of information for the knowledge of jewelry (Mineralogy) / Translation by A.M. Belenitsky. –L. 1963- S. 186.

Misqol- a measure of weight equal to 4.464 gr.

Donik - (dong) - a measure of weight equal to 0.8 gr.

Dinar- is a gold coin that was used in the Middle Ages in Eastern countries and is equal to 4.235 gr.

Tassuj – 0. 1236 gr. = 0,12 gr.

In the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there are several copies of this work, i.e. No. in. 9454, in. No. 4287/I, in. No. 9042, in our research. The copy stored with the number No. 9042 was used.

Muhammad Tahir ibn Abdul Qasim. “Ajayibat at-tabakat”. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni No. 9042, - p. 170-179 sheets.

Mahmoud bin Wali. Bahr ul asrar fi manoqib ul- aher. (A sea of secrets about the bravery of noble men ) Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2372 numbered manuscript 4 a-532b sheets.

Mahmoud bin Wali. Bahr ul asrar fi manoqib ul- aher. (A sea of secrets about the bravery of noble men ) Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2372 numbered manuscript 328б sheets.

Mahmoud bin Wali. Bahr ul asrar fi manoqib ul- aher. (A sea of secrets about the bravery of noble men ) Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2372 numbered manuscript 300 a sheets.

Mahmoud bin Wali. Bahr ul asrar fi manoqib ul- aher. (A sea of secrets about the bravery of noble men ) Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2372 numbered manuscript 294 a sheets.

Muhammad ibn Mansur. Jewelry. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2294/ II –220 b sheets. Muhammad ibn Mansur. Jewelry. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2294/ II –192 б- 193 а sheets.

Muhammad ibn Mansur. Jewelry. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2294/ II –220 b sheets.

Muhammad ibn Mansur. Jewelry. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2294/ II –205а -206а sheets.

Mahmoud bin Wali. Bahr ul asrar fi manoqib ul- aher. (A sea of secrets about the bravery of noble men) Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Raykhan Beruni. No. 2372 numbered manuscript 298а sheets.




How to Cite

Turaeva S. R. (2023). Comparative analysis of works on mineralogy of Central Asia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 12(01), 98–106. Retrieved from