Methods of teaching 200m running technique to students of the Faculty of Physical Culture


  • Mukimov Olim Ergashevich Jizzakh State Pedagogical University


method, management, training process, organization, control, functional state aspects, achievements, result, athletes, load, athletics, sports, performance, students, technique, tactics.


The author has studied the complex and diverse process of training athletes. The main parts of the aspects of training process management that are interrelated are identified. The means, methods, values of loads, regulation of training and competitive effects on the athlete's body are selected. Modern sports, and in particular athletics, have been characterized in the last decade by a high intensity of training and competitive processes. It can be assumed that this trend will develop in the future, determining the steady growth of the world and national achievements. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of the training process can be considered the widespread introduction of the results of scientific research and the transfer of relevant activities to the rank of a controlled process. The ideas of managing the training process using the means and methods of pedagogical control were first expressed back in the 50s. In further studies, it was shown that the physical condition of an athlete changes over time and is subject to management, the purpose of which is to achieve high results in the chosen sport on the basis of continuous improvement of physical condition, improvement of athletic performance, improvement in technique and tactics. In all cases, the starting point of management should be the determination of the athlete's condition.


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