ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING & MANAGEMENT REVIEW ISSN: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 8.071 2024-09-15T03:59:08+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The aim of journal is to publish quality research articles in the fields of marketing and allied areas of management. It welcomes papers from both academicians and practitioners on conceptual paradigms, academic research, theories, business models, as well as organizational practices in marketing and management research. The goal of journal is to constitute a qualified and continual platform for sharing studies of academicians, researchers and practitioners. The journal welcomes manuscript submissions from scholars everywhere.</strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN: 2319-2836 </strong></p> <p><strong>Impact Factor: 8.071</strong></p> <div class="inr_header"> <h1>JOURNAL INDEXING</h1> </div> <div class="inr_con_cont"> <ul class="jr_ind_li"> <li>WZB-Wissenschatszentrum Berin Fur Sozialforschung</li> <li>Open J-Gate, INDIA</li> <li>ISSN:</li> <li>Electronic Journals Library-University Library of Regensburg</li> <li>Zeitschriftendatenbank-ZDB:German Journal Databank</li> <li>Global Impact Factor:</li> <li>SJIF Impact Factor:</li> <li><a href="">Google Scholar </a></li> </ul> </div> <p> </p> INDICATORS REPRESENTING THE LEVEL OF LABOR PRODUCTIVITY 2024-07-25T05:50:57+00:00 Khurramov Azizbek [email protected] Djalilova Malika Shuxratovna [email protected] <p>Labor productivity is an indicator of the economic efficiency of the work of employees. It is determined by the amount of the produced product or the amount of services provided in relation to the labor costs, that is, by the product produced at the expense of the unit of labor costs. The level of development of society and well-being of all its members depends on the level of labor productivity and its growth. In addition, the level of labor productivity determines the method of production and even the social-political system itself.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals EVALUATION OF MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY OF SMALL BUSINESS ENTITIES OF NAMANGAN REGION 2024-09-10T03:28:41+00:00 Ganiev Botir Bakhtiyorovich [email protected] <p>Entrepreneurship is a special type of economic activity of people. Therefore, entrepreneurship is an economic activity aimed at achieving economic and social results and profit. The concept of "business" is the same business, profession, economic activity aimed at making a profit. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the concepts of "business" and "entrepreneurship" are considered synonymous words. However, the concept of "business" is broader in meaning, as business includes any one-time commercial transactions aimed at earning income in any field of activity. An entity in business is called a businessman or merchant.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals DEFINITION OF INVESTMENT STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL ECONOMIES 2024-09-12T05:50:04+00:00 Ismoilov Ravshanjon Baxriddinovich [email protected] Badiyev Baxtinur Bahodir o’g’li [email protected] Xurramov Zufar Inat o’g’li [email protected] <p>This article is discussed that the theoretical foundations of determining the investment strategy for sustainable development of the region’s economy, as well as the current situation, analysis and future plans.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals ANALYSIS OF MACRO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN AND FORECAST ACCORDING TO SCENARIOS 2024-09-15T03:29:45+00:00 Eshmatov Davron Abduvaxobovich [email protected] <p>The article deals with the practical application of methods and scenarios of econometric analysis using the interdependence of macroeconomic indicators of the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the science of mathematical statistics and its application to economics, that is, the construction of econometric models and the evaluation of their parameters, the characteristics of economic indicators are described in detail</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals THE DYNAMICS OF EXPORT AND FOREIGN TRADE RELATIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF NEW UZBEKISTAN FOR 2022-2026 2024-09-15T03:40:54+00:00 Ismoilov Ravshanjon Baxriddinovich [email protected] Yusupov Ne'matulla Isoqjanovich [email protected] Xujakulov Murodjon Alokhanovich [email protected] Bakhriddinov Azamjon Ravshanjon O‘gli [email protected] <p>In the master's thesis, the influence on the development of foreign trade after the development of the "Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" and changes in export-import relations with a number of countries in the period of 2022-2023 dynamics are shown.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals IMPROVING THE MECHANISM OF USING INVESTMENT POTENTIAL IN THE RAPID DEVELOPMENT OF SECTORS AND REGIONS IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF NEW UZBEKISTAN 2024-09-15T03:59:08+00:00 Ismoilov Ravshanjon Baxriddinovich [email protected] Yusupov Ne'matulla Isoqjanovich [email protected] Rapiqov Tohirjon Yuldashbayevich [email protected] Xujakulov Murodjon Alokhanovich [email protected] <p>In the process of economic and institutional reforms implemented step by step since the first years of independence in our country, an entrepreneurship and business environment was formed, including official rules and norms that determine the country's development. This business environment is related to ownership, production and distribution relations and the establishment of a new management system; effective use of material, natural, labor and other resources had a strong impact on economic growth. As a result, macroeconomic stability and stable economic growth rates were ensured in our country. At the same time, following the principles and priority directions of the Action Strategy in Uzbekistan, the strategic goals of development in accordance with the world standards were established by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Ensuring the practical implementation of the priority tasks of sustainable economic development specified in Mirziyoyev's decrees, reports and speeches, ensures the development of the economy of Uzbekistan and its regions.</p> 2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 GEJournals