A problem with non-local conditions for a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation with two lines of changing type


  • I.U.Khaydarov Fergana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan


The theory of mixed type equations is one of the modern part of the theory of partial differential equations. Recently a circle of problems for mixed type equations was considerably extended. Studying boundary-value problems for mixed parabolic-hyperbolic type equations is also one of the actual directions of the theory of mixed type equations. It can be explained on the one hand mathematical models of some real-life processes are brought to study problems for such type equations, on the other hand it is inner neseccity of the theory of the theory of partial differential equations.  


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How to Cite

I.U.Khaydarov. (2022). A problem with non-local conditions for a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation with two lines of changing type. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE, IT, ENGINEERING AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ISSN: 2349-7793 Impact Factor: 6.876, 16(10), 22–30. Retrieved from https://www.gejournal.net/index.php/IJRCIESS/article/view/1106