
  • Yakubjonov Ikrom Akramjonovich Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Associate Professor of the Department of Sports and Outdoor Games
  • Azizov Mukhammadjon Azamovich Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Lecturer of the Department of Sports and Outdoor Games
  • Muydinov Iqboljon Abdukhamidovich Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sports and Outdoor Games


table tennis, child, sports, physical exercises, health, sports games.


In the article, table tennis is considered as an activity capable of forming a child as a spiritually strong, disciplined, competitive personality. It is thanks to table tennis that it positively affects and strengthens our health and proper use and helps to develop in the right direction.


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How to Cite

Yakubjonov Ikrom Akramjonovich, Azizov Mukhammadjon Azamovich, & Muydinov Iqboljon Abdukhamidovich. (2022). THE BENEFITS OF TABLE TENNIS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD’S BODY. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact Factor: 8.036, 11(09), 5–8. Retrieved from